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Author: allen (小明 tsai)
醬油 Soy Sauce
秘傳一甲子的釀造技術﹐生產出五代庵甘露醬油﹔香氣純厚柔和﹐是烹食行家不可或缺的調味法寶。Secret of 60-year brewing technology, created premium aged soy sauce; tender and mellow aromas, a seasoning magic key indispensable to cuisine experts.
黑豆醬油 Black Bean Soy Sauce
精選天然黑豆﹐釀造出濃郁的豆釀香氣﹔蒸煮過後更能散發出﹐色﹑香﹑味的上等佳餚﹗Selected natural black beans, brewing rich germented-bean aroma; Eexpressing colorful, aromatic, premium and dainty cuisine especially after stewing.
醬菜 Pickles
以新鮮的筍干搭配香醇的麻油﹐開罐可即食﹐為餐桌上的小菜﹐純素食。Fresh dried bamboo shoots with savory sesame oil, ready to eat right after opening, served as accompaniment or appetizer, pure vegetarian food.
美味醬 Luscious Seasoning
香﹑辣﹑脆﹑油辣椒多種口味﹐新鮮顆粒白芝麻與黃豆蛋白﹑炒香後﹐加入辣椒﹑花椒等多種香料。Fragrant, spicy, crisp, with chili oil, a variety of flavors; Fresh particles, white sesame and soy protein; Add pepper, prickly ash, etc. after Sautéing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et.